This page is devoted entirely to mobile marketing. Just a place to collect the best information I can find on the subject of cell phone marketing and advertising. With over 200 million mobile subscribers in the U.S. alone, ignoring the mobile market is definitely a bad idea.


MMA Global – The Mobile Marketing Association. If you or your company has an interest in mobile marketing, then the MMA should probably be given first consideration if you plan on joining any associations.

Juice Wireless – Mobile applications and data that can be used to touch the consumer or brands and media companies.

Mobile Marketing Magazine – Excellent online magazine devoted entirely to mobile marketing. Lots of information there so visit when you have some time to spare.

Adverblog Mobile Marketing – Lots of industry news written in a blog-style format.

mFusion – Set up your SMS, MMS, or IVR  mobile marketing campaign quickly and easily. Reach out and touch someone. Lots of someones.